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Английский Этимологический словарь - bone


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- O.E. ban, from P.Gmc. *bainam. No cognates outside Gmc. To make bones about refers to bones found in soup, etc., as an obstacle to being swallowed. To bone up "study" is 1880s student slang, from "Bohn's Classical Library," a popular series in higher education. To feel something in one's bones "have a presentiment" is c.1880, Amer.Eng.
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Английский словарь американских идиом
  ~1 n 1 »BODY« one of the hard parts that together form the frame of a human or animal body  (The X-ray showed that the bone was broken in two places. | thigh/cheek/jaw etc bone (=the bone in your thigh etc))  (very prominent cheek bones) big-boned/fine-boned/small-boned etc (=with big etc bones)  (Grace was a tall, big-boned woman | good/fine bone structure (=someone with good bone structure has a well-shaped face)) 2 have a bone to pick with sb spoken used to tell someone that you are annoyed with them and want to talk about it 3 the bare bones the simplest and most important details of something  (This is just the bare bones of the plan - it's still in the early stages.) 4 make no bones about (doing) sth to not feel nervous or ashamed about doing or saying something  (We made no bones about our commitment to Marxism.) 5 be chilled/frozen to the bone extremely cold 6 a bone of contention something that causes arguments between people  (The question of unpaid overtime became the main bone of contention.) 7 a bag of bones someone who is much too thin 8 bones AmE dice1 (1) 9 close to the bone a remark, statement etc that is close to the bone, is close to the truth in a way that may offend someone  (Some of his jokes were a bit close to the bone.) 10 cut sth to the bone to reduce costs, services etc as much as possible 11 feel/know it in your bones to be certain that something is true, even though you have no proof and cannot explain why you are certain  (That boy's trouble, I can feel it in my bones.) 12 off the bone meat that is served off the bone has been cut away from the bone 13 on the bone meat that is served on the bone is still joined to the bone  (- see also dry as a bone dry1 (1), work your fingers to the bone work1 (27)) ~2 v to remove the bones from fish, or meat bone up ~ phr v informal to study hard for an examination  (I'm having to bone up on criminal law for a test next week.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (bones, boning, boned) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Your bones are the hard parts inside your body which together form your skeleton. Many passengers suffered broken bones... Stephen fractured a thigh bone... The body is made up primarily of bone, muscle, and fat... She scooped the chicken bones back into the stewpot. N-VAR 2. If you bone a piece of meat or fish, you remove the bones from it before cooking it. Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs... VERB: V n 3. A bone tool or ornament is made of bone. ...a small, expensive pocketknife with a bone handle. ADJ: usu ADJ n 4. see also marrow bone, T-bone steak 5. The bare bones of something are its most basic parts or details. There are not even the bare bones of a garden here–I’ve got nothing. PHRASE 6. If something is too close to the bone, it makes you feel uncomfortable because it is very close to the truth or to the real nature of something. PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 7. If you make no bones about something, you talk openly about it, rather than trying to keep it a secret. Some of them make no bones about their political views. PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR about n 8. If you make no bones about doing something that is unpleasant or difficult or that might upset someone else, you do it without hesitating. Stafford-Clark made no bones about reapplying for the job when Daldry was standing for it. PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR about -ing 9. If something such as costs are cut to the bone, they are reduced to the minimum possible. It has survived by cutting its costs to the bone... Profit margins have been slashed to the bone in an attempt to keep turnover moving. PHRASE: PHR after v 10. You use to the bone to indicate that you are very deeply affected by something. For example, if you feel chilled to the bone, your whole body feels extremely cold, often because you have had a shock. What I saw chilled me to the bone. PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   geographical name — see Annaba BONE  I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English bon, from Old English ban; akin to Old High German & Old Norse bein ~, and perhaps to Old Irish benaid he hews  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. one of the hard parts of the skeleton of a vertebrate  b. any of various hard animal substances or structures (as baleen or ivory) akin to or resembling ~  c. the hard largely calcareous connective tissue of which the adult skeleton of most vertebrates is chiefly composed  2.  a. essence, core cut costs to the ~ a liberal to the ~  b. the most deeply ingrained part ; heart — usually used in plural knew in his ~s that it was wrong  3. plural  a.  (1) skeleton  (2) body rested my weary ~s  (3) corpse inter a person's ~s  b. the basic design or framework (as of a play or novel)  4. matter, subject a ~ of contention  5.  a. plural thin bars of ~, ivory, or wood held in pairs between the fingers and used to produce musical rhythms  b. a strip of material (as whale~ or steel) used to stiffen a garment (as a corset)  c. plural dice  6. something that is designed to placate ; sop  7. a light beige  8. inclination 1b hadn't a political ~ in his body — John Hersey  9. slang dollar  • ~d adjective  • ~less adjective  II. verb  (~d; boning)  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1. to remove the ~s from ~ a fish  2. to provide (a garment) with stays  3. to rub (as a boot or baseball bat) with something hard (as a piece of ~) in order to smooth the surface  intransitive verb to study hard ; grind ~ through medical school  III. adverb  Date: circa 1825 extremely, very ~ tired; also totally BONE  biographical name Sir Muirhead 1876-1953 Scottish etcher & painter ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 any of the pieces of hard tissue making up the skeleton in vertebrates. 2 (in pl.) a the skeleton, esp. as remains after death. b the body, esp. as a seat of intuitive feeling (felt it in my bones). 3 a the material of which bones consist. b a similar substance such as ivory, dentine, or whalebone. 4 a thing made of bone. 5 (in pl.) the essential part of a thing (the bare bones). 6 (in pl.) a dice. b castanets. 7 a strip of stiffening in a corset etc. --v. 1 tr. take out the bones from (meat or fish). 2 tr. stiffen (a garment) with bone etc. 3 tr. Brit. sl. steal. Phrases and idioms bone china fine china made of clay mixed with the ash from bones. bone-dry quite dry. bone idle (or lazy) utterly idle or lazy. bone-meal crushed or ground bones used esp. as a fertilizer. bone of contention a source or ground of dispute. bone-setter a person who sets broken or dislocated bones, esp. without being a qualified surgeon. bone spavin see SPAVIN. bone up (often foll. by on) colloq. study (a subject) intensively. close to (or near) the bone 1 tactless to the point of offensiveness. 2 destitute; hard up. have a bone to pick (usu. foll. by with) have a cause for dispute (with another person). make no bones about 1 admit or allow without fuss. 2 not hesitate or scruple. point the bone (usu. foll. by at) Austral. 1 wish bad luck on. 2 cast a spell on in order to kill. to the bone 1 to the bare minimum. 2 penetratingly. work one's fingers to the bone work very hard, esp. thanklessly. Derivatives boneless adj. Etymology: OE ban f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) глинистый уголь, углистый сланец 2) швейн. упругая пластинка 3) кость 4) костное удобрение - collar bone - folding bone ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) кость 2) pl костяк, скелет – bone of heel – adlacrimal bone – adnasal bone – angular bone – ankle bone – anvil bone – articular bone – autarticular bone – basidigital bone – basihyal bone – basilar bone – basioccipital bone – basisphenoid bone – basitemporal bone – breast bone – bregma bone – calf bone – capitate bone – carpal bone – cartilage bone – cheek bone – coccygeal bone – coffin bone – collar bone – compact bone – convolute bone – coracoid bone – coronary bone – cribriform bone – cuboidal bone – cuneiform bone – cuttle bone – cylindrical bone – dental bone – dermal bone – dumb-bell bone – ear bone – ectethmoid bone – ectopterygoid bone – epigonial bone – epihyal bone – epiotic bone – epipterygoid bone – ethmoid bone – ethmoturbinal bone – exethmoid bone – exooccipital bone – facial bone – finger bone – flat bone – frontal bone – glossohyal bone – gonial bone – hamate bone – hammer bone – haunch bone – heel bone – hemipterygoid bone – hip bone – huckle bone – hyoid bone – hypural bone – iliac bone – Inca bone – incisive bone – innominate bone – intermaxillary bone – intermuscular bone – interparietal bone – investing bone – ishiadic bone – jugal bone – lacrimal bone – laterosphenoid bone – lingual bone – lunate bone – malar bone – mandibular bone – mastoid bone – maxillary bone – maxilloturbinal bone – membrane bone – mesethmoid bone – mesotympanic bone – metapterygoid bone – nail bone – nasal bone – navicular bone – occipital bone – opisthotic bone – orbitosphenoid bone – palatine bone – parasphenoid bone – parietal bone – pelvic bone – periotic bone – peroneal bone – petrosal bone – pipe bone – pisiform bone – plowshare bone – pneumatic bone – postfrontal bone – postorbital bone – prefrontal bone – premaxillary bone – presphenoid bone – procoracoid bone – prootic bone – pterygoid bone – pubic...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. кость 2. кость (материал) bone manure —- костяное удобрение 3. собир. костяные изделия 4. слоновая кость (цвет) 5. скелет; костяк beautiful bones of a face —- красивые черты лица 6. останки, прах his bones were laid in Westminster —- его прах покоится в Вестминстерском аббатстве 7. человек she will take care of your bones —- она позаботится о вас 8. игральные кости 9. домино 10. кастаньеты 11. коклюшки 12. пластинки, косточки для корсета (из китового уса) 13. кусочек мяса на косточке 14. удовольствие now, that's what I call bones —- вот это я называю удовольствием 15. ам. разг. исполнитель негритянских песен 16. ам. сл. доллар 17. ам. сл. глупая ошибка 18. ам. унив. жарг. зубрила Id: hard (dry) as a bone —- твердый как камень Id: to the bone —- до крайности, совсем Id: drenched to the bone —- насквозь промокший Id: chilled (frozen) to the bone —- продрогший до костей Id: a bag of bones —- кожа да кости Id: bone of contention —- яблоко раздора Id: to cast a bone —- сеять вражду Id: bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh —- кость от кости, плоть от плоти Id: bone to gnaw (to pick) —- временное занятие; твердый орешек; предмет спора (разногласий) Id: to have a bone to pick with smb. —- сводить счеты с кем-либо Id: near the bone —- скупой; на грани непристойного Id: to make one's bones —- сл. (впервые) убить человека (по заданию банды) Id: to carry a bone in the mouth...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  marrow noun костный мозг BONE china noun сорт тонкостенного, просвечивающегося фарфора BONE  1. noun  1) кость drenched to the bone - насквозь промокший frozen to the bone - продрогший до костей - to the bone  2) pl. скелет; костяк  3) pl.; joc. человек; тело; останки  4) что-л., сделанное из кости  5) pl. (игральные) кости; кастаньеты  6) pl. домино  7) pl. коклюшки  8) китовый ус  9) amer.; sl. доллар the bone of contention - яблоко раздора to cast (in) a bone between - сеять рознь, вражду to cut (costs, etc.) to the bone - снизить до минимума (цены и т.п.) to feel in ones bones - интуитивно чувствовать to make no bones about/of - не колебаться, не сомневаться; не церемониться to make old bones coll. - дожить до глубокой старости on ones bones sl. - в тяжелом положении, на мели to have a bone to pick with smb. - иметь счеты с кем-л. a bag of bones - кожа да кости to have a bone in ones/the arm/leg joc. - быть усталым, быть не в состоянии шевельнуть пальцем, подняться, идти дальше to have a bone in ones/the throat joc. - быть не в состоянии сказать ни слова to keep the bones green - сохранять хорошее здоровье the nearer the bone the sweeter the flesh/meat prov. - остатки сладки what is bred in the bone will not go out of the flesh prov. - горбатого могила исправит  2. v.  1) снимать мясо с костей  2) удобрять костяной мукой  3) sl. красть - bone up BONE of contention яблоко раздора BONE up (on a subject) зубрить,...
Англо-русский словарь


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